Sweetmorn, Chaos 6, 3176
Les Mis. I've been obsessing lately, I know. But it's stuck in my head!
Of course we had school today, because I didn't do my homework. But it was a two hour delay, so I managed to finish my Civics essay in the nick of time! Snow is every procrastinator's best friend. Well, maybe not their BFF, but on their top 8. Which is nothing to sneeze at, mind you.
Oh, and the school drama is back. I was wondering where it all went. I was actually daring to hope that maybe it had kicked the bucket over the holidays, but to no avail. My friends, my best and truest friends (no sarcasm implied), walk just behind me in the hallways and whisper about me. They think I don't hear them, but I do. I would speak up and tell them so, but then they'd stop, or speak quieter, or something, and I love to hear all the juicy gossip. They didn't actually have much to say, because I wasn't supplying them with any apparent jealousy issues for them to comment on. The conversation wasn't actually terribly interesting, but basically one goes, "What's wrong with her? She seems, I don't know, a bit off?" Off, meaning super-quiet and probably up to no good. Most likely plotting a murder.
The other one says, "She's probably still off on vaction." Meaning she thinks I'm just brain-dead.
But even though they think I'm nuts, I love them anyway. And this probably isn't an accurate represention of them, really. It's only a tiny little portion of my day. They're the reason I study for tests and style my hair occasionally and don't lose my temper as much as I'd like to. What else could you ask for? Well, money. But other than that, nothing!

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